Hours and hours of tiny hand stitches yield the expressive character that hallmarks the real thing and the ultimate luxury: a hand-quilted quilt.

  • Fragments

    Fifteen pieces of Neapolitan-inspired colour hand-quilted to follow the dominant curves and seams.

    220 x 210cm

    Linen and Mikkusu patchwork, hand quilted and bound with silk.

    Available exclusively through Helen Chislett Gallery

  • Gustav

    An animated, popping version version of the traditional log cabin quilt with the flavour of Vienna 1900.

    210 x 180cm

    Linen, cotton and silk patchwork bound with silk.


  • Victor

    A perpendicular arrangement across the belly of the quilt inspired by 1960s reliefs.

    230 x 200cm

    Linen and cotton patchwork bound with silk.


  • Fissure

    A big ‘crazy’ quilt in assorted blues that evokes a landscape seen from the air.

    245 x 190cm

    Linen, silk, cotton and velvet patchwork bound with silk.


  • Anni

    Monochrome quilt inferring the rules of a pattern drawing by Anni Albers to make the triangles turn up and down.

    230 x 210cm

    Linen, Japanese printed cotton and silk patchwork backed with Khadi cotton and bound with silk.


  • Anni Meander

    A continuous line of colour on a neutral ground, inspired by ancient Mayan labyrinth designs.

    240 x 180cm

    Linen and cotton patchwork bound with turqoise silk.


  • Assante

    The traditional Basketweave pattern with its illusory interwoven linens integrating fabric purchased as a souvenir from Tanzania.

    230 x 240cm

    Linen, cotton and African wax print bound with printed cotton.


  • Arthur

    A going-away quilt in the student’s favourite colours against a ground of denim and chambray. An animated interpretation of traditional log cabin patchwork.

    160 x 210cm

    Linen, cotton and silk bound with Liberty Tana Lawn.


  • Bauhaus Bash

    Primary colours intersecting against a neutral ground; the geometric, improvised flavour of an early Bauhaus party. The original TV quilt.

    210 x 110cm

    Linen and cotton bound with African wax print cotton


  • Jazz

    An improvised, rhythmic composition of elemental circles and rectangle in tricolor; Perpendot (see Machine Quilts) is an enlarged detail from this hand quilted original TV quilt.

    120 x 190cm

    Linen, cotton and silk backed and bound in spotted Khadi cotton.


  • Edward

    After the 1813 original Star Spangled Banner by Mary Pickersgill, a modified version of the traditional Courthouse Steps pattern.

    215 x 240cm

    Linen, cotton chambray and silk patchwork bound with silk.


  • Fragments

    My original Fragments design: fifteen pieces of colour hand-quilted to follow the dominant curves and seams.

    230 x 190cm

    Recycled cotton and linen bedsheets and clothing bound with silk.


Hand-quilted versions of several of the machine quilt designs are exclusively available in bespoke colours and sizes here through Helen Chislett Gallery