Evensong is an evolving collection of typographic hand quilts bearing sacred and secular messages of comfort: the stillness and hush of evening in a blanket of slumber, repose, solace and protection until the break of day.

  • Evensong I, 2020

    A startling line from the Anglican Evensong service; the first in a collection of quilts bearing messages of comfort and protection through the night hours.

    200 x 220cm

    Hand quilted linen and cotton patchwork bound with striped Khadi cotton


  • Now Folds the Lily, 2023

    From a popular poem about evening by the Alfred, Lord Tennyson, in the colours of Victorian décor and painting.

    200 x 200cm

    Hand quilted linen, cotton and silk patchwork bound with silk.


  • Sweet Dreams, 2024

    The benediction made famous by the voice of ‘Mama’ Cass Elliott in 1968, in California thrift shop colours against a field of denim and chambray.

    210 x 210

    Linen, cotton Khadi and wax print patchwork bound with Indian striped viscose


  • In Thy Arms

    Henry Purcell’s Evening Hymn of 1689, asks, “to the soft bed my body I dispose, but where shall my soul repose?”

    250 x 225cm

    Linen and cotton patchwork


  • Heaven’s Morning

    The visionary penultimate line of a treasured Victorian hymn.

    250 x 200cm

    Linen, cotton and silk patchwork
